
Board of Protection of Data Published Minimum Requirements in A Notification of Violation

KVK Kurulu İhlal Bildiriminde Bulunması Gereken Asgari Şartları Yayımladı 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanuna madde 12 (1) uyarınca veri sorumlusu, kişisel verilerin hukuka aykırı olarak işlenmesini ve erişilmesini önleme amacıyla uygun güvenlik düzeyini temin etmeye yönelik gerekli her türlü teknik ve idari tedbirleri almakla yükümlüdür. Bu yükümlülüğün gereğince yerine getirilememesi sonucu ortaya çıkacak ihlaller…


Obligation to Submit a Tax Declaration of the Employee as a Result of the Job Change Within the Same Year

İşçinin Aynı Yıl İçerisinde İş Değişikliği Yapması Sonucu  Vergi Beyannamesi Verme Yükümlülüğü Vergi mükellefinin yıllık gelir vergisi beyannamesi verme yükümlülüğü GVK m.86’da yer almaktadır. Vergi mükellefi işçinin aynı takvim yılı içinde tek bir işveren nezdinde çalışmış olması halinde hangi gelir vergisi dilimine ulaşmış olursa olsun ücret gelirine yönelik olarak yıllık gelir beyannamesi vermesine gerek bulunmamaktadır….


Decision Concerning the Branch/Representative Offices of Non- Turkish Resident Companies

According to latest decision rendered by KVKK (Personal Data Protection Authority), representative offices in Turkey of foreign companies are exempt from obligation of registration in VERBIS (Registry of Data Controllers), whereas foreign companies’ branch offices in Turkey are regarded as a separate legal person in terms of VERBIS registration. Upon a clarification request, KVKK opined…


Two Serious Penalties From KVKK

The Personal Data Protection Board [“KVKK”] published two more decisions on the website that two different companies were fined for failing to take adequate administrative and technical measures to protect personal data. As the regulations on the protection of personal data were relatively new in Turkish law, the decisions made by the KVKK during the…


Authority of Assignments of State Aid for Foreign Investments Has Been Transferred to the Minister Of Industry and Technology

The amendment decision of the Presidency on granting project-based state aid to the investments has been published in the Official Gazette. According to the decision, published on 02.10.2019 at the Official Gazette, the Minister of Industry and Technology will be authorised to sign a private investment project with foreign investors as defined in the Law…