
Unlicensed Electricity Generation Opportunity Provided on Treasury Lands

Hazine Arazilerinde Lisanssız Elektrik Üretimi Yolu Açıldı! Unlicensed Electricity Generation Opportunity Provided on Treasury Lands 10.09.2022 Tarihli Resmi Gazete ile 412 Sıra Nolu Milli Emlak Genel Tebliği ile lisanssız elektrik üretimi mevzuatında değişikliklere gidildi. Buna göre; With the Official Gazette dated 10.09.2022 and the National Real Estate General Communiqué No. 412, unlicensed electricity generation legislation…


Limitations on the Sales of Surplus Electricity Generation for the Unlicensed Model!

Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) has made significant amendments to the By-Law on the Unlicensed Electricity Generation in the Electricity Market. The amendments were published in the Official Gazette dated August 11th 2022 and entered into force the same day. Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu (EPDK), Elektrik Piyasasında Lisanssız Elektrik Üretim Yönetmeliğinde önemli değişiklikler yaptı. Yapılan değişiklik…


The Presidential Degree No. 5449 On Supporting International Logistics Distribution Networks Has Been Published

THE PRESIDENTIAL DEGREE NO. 5449 ON SUPPORTING INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS HAS BEEN PUBLISHED 5449 SAYILI YURT DIŞI LOJİSTİK DAĞITIM AĞLARININ DESTEKLENMESİ HAKKINDA CUMHURBAŞKANI KARARI YAYIMLANDI   The Presidential Degree on Supporting International Logistics Distribution Networks, which was put into effect with the Presidential Degree dated 13.10.2020 and numbered 3080 was repealed by the Presidential…


The World Trade Organization rules in favor of Turkey in safeguard measures on steel import case against EU

The World Trade Organization rules in favor of Turkey in safeguard measures on steel import case against EU Dünya Ticaret Örgütü AB’nin çelik ithalatında uyguladığı korunma önlemlerine karşı açılan davada Türkiye lehine karar verdi   In Turkey’s case against the EU before the World Trade Organization (“WTO”) regarding the EU’s definitive safeguard measures on steel…


The Communique No. 2022-32/66 on the Amendment on the Communique No. 2008-32/34 On The Decree No. 32 On The Protection of The Value Of The Turkish Currency Was Published

  The Communique No. 2022-32/66 on the Amendment on the Communique No. 2008-32/34 On The Decree No. 32 On The Protection of The Value Of The Turkish Currency Was Published Türk Parası Kıymetini Koruma Hakkında 32 Sayılı Karara İlişkin Tebliğ’de Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Tebliğ (Tebliğ No: 2022-32/66) Yayınlandı The Communique No. 2022-32/66 on the Amendment…